If there is one word which summed up my life story this past week then I would use the story of an onion
The Lord presented his heart to me and showed me the following.
As my journey continued he peeled the onion layer by layer.
As the first layer was removed I saw the heart of lost souls… I cried so much for the broken hearted.
As the second layer was removed, the Lord moved upon my heart and He took my prayer needs and told me that I am your comforter. At this stage I’ve realised that the more I got peeled the more I served the people around me.
As the third layer was removed I become more stronger in the Lord and learned to walk on the water… This act of faith taught me that I cannot trust on my own feelings and emotions, but just keep on serving……
It an amazing thought to realise that the smaller the onion gets the more he can serve.
‘May the flavour and fragrance of our onions be the silhouette of the Lord’
Be Blessed